How To Burn Calories And Stay Fit … Forever
Burning Calories: Drink Ice Water
For anyone trying to lose weight, this question is bound to raise a lot of excitement. Surely losing weight cannot be such a simple issue, can it? Well, the answer is YES! You can actually lose calories by drinking ice water. Your body loses calories in the process of warming this ice water to the body temperature.
Now any enthusiast, must surely be thinking, if we can lose weight by drinking ice water, can we lose a large amount of calories if we drink lots of ice water? Well, to answer this question we have to look at some simple calculations. First of all we need to distinguish between calories and Calories. Calories (i.e. with a big c) are used to denote the amount of energy that is contained in food.
Where as calorie with a small c is used to denote the energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius. Another interesting fact is that it takes, 1 Calorie to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius. So when you are drinking a 140-Calorie can of cola, you are in fact ingesting 140,000 calories in your body. This is the same when you burn say 100 Calories working out, this means that you have actually burned 100,000 calories.
The main purpose of telling you that the definition of calories is based on the rising of temperature is to tell you an interesting fact. We have just seen that when our body raises the temperature, it burns calories, so when you drink ice cold water your body loses calories in raising that ice cold water to body temperature. Now let us get the math right.
Our body temperature is at 37 degree Celsius. The temperature of ice cold water can be safely said to be 0 degree Celsius. There are 473.18 grams in 16 fluid ounces of water.It takes 1 calorie to raise 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. So, if your body raises the temperature of 473.18 grams of water by 37 degree Celsius it burns 17508 calories.
But this is calorie with a small c. It actually denotes only 17.5 calories. You might be thinking that losing 17.5 Calories doesn’t count much compared to the calories we intake. But, you are not going to drink just one 16 once glass of water are you? Even if you stick to the recommended minimum of 8 glasses of water you will end up burning 70 Calories in a day and that too by doing practically nothing.
You can also increase the water intake if you want to shed a few extra pounds. Well, although it is definite that drinking ice cold water helps you to burn calories you should not try to replace it with exercise. You should continue with all the weight reduction methods that you already on to. You can just boost up your effort by drinking ice cold water
Burning Calories: Burn Them Fast
Today the obesity rate has reached an alarming figure, officially 1000 people are declared obese, every single day! Well, considering our sedentary life styles it shouldn’t come as a surprise.
We drive where ever we have to; we sit all day at our desk and do all our work at the click of a mouse, thanks to the internet! Given such a lifestyle, it is inevitable that we all will become obese, but there are quick and effective ways in which you can lose weight.
The best way is exercise. No, I do not mean to say that you have to sweat it out daily in the gym for hours. Even 15 minutes of exercise can help you burn ad much as 100 calories. The first thing tat you have to do is to make an effort to move.
Remember, when you were young staying indoors would seem like a punishment, but now all you want to do is to sit at home watch TV and spend endless hours surfing. When you have free time make sure to go out, indulge in some activity, play any game that you like playing.
It will not only refresh you but, you will also end up losing a lot of calories. To burn the extra 100 calories, here are some of the things that you can try. Cycling: cycling for even 10 minutes can help you burn 100 calories. If you have a cycle, then make sure to go out on a cycling ride with your family.
You will not only have a great day with your family, but will actually be working towards attaining a great figure. Walking: It is one of the simplest, cheapest and the most effective way of losing calories. Brisk walking for 15 minutes will help you to attain your target of losing the 100 calories.
You can slowly increase the tie you spend on walking. If you do not get adequate time to go out on a morning walk, then you can try incorporating walking in the daily activities. What I mean to say here is that you can get adown a stop before your usual stop when at work and walk the rest of the distance. Resist the temptation of taking the lift and take the stairs.
Video workout: 15 minutes of video work out four to five times a week can help you to lose calories. Just choose the video work out that you like and get started! Skipping: Skipping ropes are extremely effective in not only losing weight, but also toning your upper body.
It helps to strengthen the heart and the lungs also. Skipping ropes are light and cheap and can be used practically anywhere. It is important that you stretch your calves muscle before and after each skipping session. Although initially you may find it difficult t skip for 15 minutes at a stretch, but you will be amazed at how quickly your body will be able to respond to the 15 minutes skipping slot.
To lose weight you have to go on a sensible diet and exercise regularly. You have to eat right ands work out. Yes, we all know that! But exercising and sticking to a low fat diet is not considered as doing nothing!
It is a big job. But here I have for you a great trick that will help you to lose weight, doing practically nothing! Sounds too good to be true? Well read on and you will find out how simple losing weight can be. It is one of the tricks that is rarely known by any dieter or dietician.
It is an absolutely safe and fool proof method of shedding the extra calories and biding them good bye forever. You don’t have to go on a killing diet, you don’t have to sweat it out in the gym and neither will you be asked to take dangerous diet pills.
All you have to do is to drink ice cold water! Yes, you have read correctly, all you need to do is to drink ice cold water; this is what I call losing weight doing nothing! Let me explain to you how this works. When you drink an eight ounce cup of ice cold water your body will burn 7.69 calories to heat the water to bring it to room temperature.
Amazing! Isn’t it! Now let us exploit this little trick to reach our aim of weight loss. We have just understood that we can lose approximately 8 calories by drinking an eight ounce cup of ice cold water. The minimum water requirement of water for our body is eight glasses.
So we can lose 64 calories by just drinking water, just remember to have it ice cold! If you are really motivated then you can drink a gallon of ice water daily. Gallon water is 16 cups. Drinking 16 cups of ice water will help you lose 123 calories per day. This actually amounts to 861 calories a week! And that too by doing practically nothing!
To make you feel all the more better, let me state another fact, to lose 861 calories in the conventional manner, you would have to jog for at least for two hours! Imagine, you have lost the same amount of calories without spending two hours on rigorous exercise. Remember that it is not a compulsion that you have to drink a gallon of water in order to lose weight; you can lose weight also by drinking 8 glasses of water daily
But, drinking gallon water daily will help to quicken the pace of losing the calories. If you are greatly motivated, then get started and lose weight by drinking a gallon of ice cold water and even more if you want!
Burning Calories: By Spinning
Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to have great legs? And do you want to have fun while attaining these results? If your answer to the above questions is yes, then spinning is what you need. Many people after trying out, various cardio exercise and all types of exercises have unanimously come to a conclusion that spinning is the best way to lose weight and gain a great figure. Considering how well the classes are organized this shouldn’t come as a surprise.
These classes are structured in such a way so as to push an individual to give his best in an encouraging and positive atmosphere. If you want to lose weight, then there is no better option than spinning. An average of 30 minutes of spinning will help you to burn 50 calories. No other machine exercise can give you the same result. It is a challenge and a promise! Any other “low impact” machine will take at least double the time to burn 500 calories.
You can also increase the amount of calories burnt depend on the intensity of your work outs. If you are really enthusiastic and want to lose weight quickly, then you can extend the time spent spinning. There is yet another reason why spinning is the best cardio exercise.
Unlike other exercises, you can stick with spinning through out the year, there is no stopping you be it rain or shine. Well, you can’t say this in case of outdoor exercises, can you? I am afraid not! Spinning has lots of health and fitness benefits. It not only helps you lose weight, but it also helps you to build muscles. In fact, spinning is regarded as the most beneficial exercise by most of the fitness trainers.
Spinning pushes the body to the optimum level, on a personal note, after spinning I feel great! I feel as if my body has done something that I earlier thought was an impossible feat to accomplish. Although spinning pushes he limits for the body, yet it is easy for beginners too. In fact as there is no impact of nature, so your knee and legs won’t hurt. Spinning is completely safe for people of all age groups. Even older people with joint problems can easily do spinning.
Spinning increases your lung capacity and is great for the heart. When you are spinning, your heart is pumping at a higher rate, this is very beneficial not only to the heart, but to the entire body. This is not the end, spinning also helps to tone your thighs, hips, calves and buttocks.
You can get great legs if you are regularly spinning. Spinning also helps you to develop new muscles, these additional muscles increases the metabolism and will therefore help you to burn more calories. So, if you want to shed those extra pounds and get those much envied legs, then spin your way to success!
Burning Calories: Eat Right
There are two simple ways in which you can lose weight. You can either lose weight by in taking fewer calories, or you can shed a few pounds by brining calories. If you want to lose weight, then cutting calories, makes a lot of sense. But, it is important that you cut calories sensibly, because cutting too many calories, will do more harm than good.
It will not only hamper your health, but it can also act as a road block to shedding weight. Generally people have a wrong notion, that as consuming fewer calories helps to shed weight, so consuming absolutely minimal calories will help them lose faster.
This is in fact, sadly untrue. Everything has to be done in moderation. An extremely low calorie diet will not only cause harm to your body, but will also hinder your weight loss. You don’t want that, do you? When you cut down calories too low, your body interprets that you have gone in to a starvation mode.
Thus it will try its best to maintain your current weight. Your body will slow down its metabolism and so that it can save energy and store it to the fat reserve that you already have. This in fact will make it all the more difficult to lose weight.
Thus you can clearly see why cutting down calories, does the opposite of what you want it do. Not only do these low calorie starvation diets reduce your metabolism. These are also are very harmful for the body. These causes dizziness, light headiness and you will find difficult to concentrate.
These starvation diets are also very difficult to stick to, when you feel hungry; chances are that you will not be able to resist the temptation. The end result will be that you end up gorging up food. In most cases, Starvation diets will help you to gain weight instead of losing them.
A more sensible way to lose weight is to eat right rather than not eat at all. When you feel hungry, it is important that you eat; your body should not feel that you are starving. Eating does not mean that you can eat food dripping with oil, or gorge on snacks loaded with cheese.
Instead having a glass of fruit juice or a low calorie snack should do the trick. If you feel the need to binge, then make sure you eat light on the successive days, this way you can balance the calorie intake. So if you want to shed weight, the simple trick is to eat! Eat, but eat right!
All About Working The Transverse Abdominals
When you are exercising it is essential that you focus on a significant muscle group which is often neglected called the transverse abdominals. These are the central muscles and they are often neglected by accident as much as by design.
Most stomach exercises focus on the vertical abs — the six-pack which you so often see in TV ads and in magazines — and with the focus on these it is perhaps not surprising. Even crunches, the most popular of abdominal exercises, do little for the transverse abdominals. But, these muscles are among the most important and should be targeted.
They provide support to all areas of your torso including to your lower-back muscles. Any exercise routine with an aim of flattening or shaping the stomach should focus on these important muscles. The following exercises will assist with developing a more complete abdominal workout and assist with that flat tummy we all crave.
As with all exercise routines ensure you warm up properly before starting on these exercises;
The Pelvic Tilt
Lie on a flat surface such as a bench or the floor using a mat or a towel to cushion yourself. Bend you knees until your feet are flat on the floor.
Keeping your upper body on the floor throughout slowly and with a controlled movement raise your hips from the floor. Hold it at that position for a few seconds at the top of the arc and then lower it slowly maintaining control throughout.
It is important that you do not allow your body to drop suddenly while lowering as you will not be using your muscles adequately if you do. You should do a full set of these.
The Crunchless Crunch
This exercise sounds easy but can be difficult to do well. It uses different muscles to those normally used and can be tough to get right at first. Essentially in involves contracting your stomach muscles to pull your belly button back towards your spine, compressing your stomach as you do so.
You can either try this lying on your back or in a kneeling position. To start relax your body. Then slowly contract your stomach as if you are pulling your belly button backwards. Hold this for ten seconds then release slowly. Once you find ten seconds easy repeat it for longer. Building this up over time will lead to a strengthening and tightening of the transverse abdominals.
Scissor Kick
Again, lie on the floor, upper body and back tight to the ground. Place your hands under your buttocks to raise you slightly from the floor keeping your back pressed down flat. Slowly raise one leg to around ten inches then slowly (and I mean slowly) lower it to the floor.
As you lower one leg slowly raise the other so for a short time both are in a crossing movement. Repeat the exercise for a complete set. using a slow, well-controlled speed throughout is essential and will increase the effectiveness of the exercise.
These are by no means the only exercises targeting these muscles, the transverse abdominals, but they should get you started. Stomach exercises such as this are important to any tummy flattening plan and are especially effective for pregnant and women just after pregnancy.
Aquasize To A Flatter Stomach!
Swimming is great exercise however and whenever you do it. But as well as using the water for fun and relaxation you can use your time in the pool to help you in that search for a flatter stomach. More so than air, water provides great natural resistance.
Moving through it takes effort and can exercise your muscles more fully but more safely than many other types of exercise. It offers a low-impact way of exercising making it better for your joints and the exercise of choice for many age groups.
Try these exercises the next time you are in the pool and see what we mean. Remember to consult a medical professional before starting any new exercise routine, and make sure that you do warm up properly; The Dig and Jump This involves two movements, one targeted at your lower body and the other at the upper.
Begin by standing in water of a depth above your navel and your chest. Then place your feet at least shoulder width apart and jump so that your knees come to the pool’s surface then force them back down again and repeat the moves (picture a frog jumping while you are doing it and you’ll get the idea).
This is great for exercising the lower body and this includes the abdominal muscles. The second part is to work the upper body. To start make a separate scoop with each hand. Place your hands low in the water then bring them to the surface and out to one side.
Start by doing one hand first for three minutes then the other. Work alternate sides to maintain a balanced workout. Once you are comfortable with it do both hands at the same time to exercise the entire stomach region at once. Set realistic targets as you work towards your health and fitness goals.
Don’t over exert yourself leading to injury. Start slow, know your limitations and build on them incrementally. As you increase endurance and strength you can vary the speed and length of the workout, and even add water gloves to increase resistance. It is important however not to compromise on the style of movement in order to increase reps or speed.
It’s better to do something well rather than quickly. A few additional tips for exercising your midriff First, a balanced diet is essential to any fitness regime. It’s no use working hard only to undo all of the great work with a poor diet. Secondly, stay hydrated not only when exercising but in your general daily life.
A good rule of thumb is to take your body weight in pounds, divide it by 2 and aim to drink that number of Ounces of water per day. This will maintain a healthy balance. Third, get enough rest. Get plenty of sleep but also the right kind of sleep.
Sleeping on your stomach for example may make it difficult to do certain types of stomach exercise. Try to sleep in a number of positions. Also, it may sound strange to say so but take adequate rest from exercise. Be sure to schedule in rest days to any training schedule. Your body needs to recover so your muscles can rebuild. By following this you will already be on the way to a toned, flat stomach.
Why Do People Do Exercises For The Stomach
Stomach exercises are certainly in vogue and most exercise routines place an emphasis on abdominal exercises. Crunches and other abdominal exercises are one of the mainstays of training programs and always have been. But why should that be the case? There are a number of reasons.
The obvious one is because of health concerns. It is a well documented fact that carrying around extra weight around your stomach areas can lead you to face more health problems. They can be at greater risk of certain medical conditions than those who are more toned.
This reason alone should be enough to encourage you to exercise your stomach and abdominal muscles. This is certainly a salient reason for doctors recommending stomach exercises. A second, related reason is that by exercising and maintaining a strong stomach area you affect all areas of your body.
The stomach is the centre of your body, and a strong stomach generally means a stronger back and it makes the rest of your body more able to cope with the demands placed upon it.
Most people want to feel strong whether it is so they can work better, enjoy their children or just feel better about themselves. A well-managed abdominal routine can help them to maintain this. But often the most important factor is because of media and peer pressure to look good.
A well developed set of abdominal muscles lives up to the media’s idea of a good-looking body. They always talk about ‘movie-star good looks’ and a toned stomach is surely part of that. Not many people want to be seen with a bulging stomach overhanging their waistband.
Why do you think it is that when we look at ourselves in the mirror we draw in our stomach to see how we could look? Why is it a natural reaction to suck in our stomachs when we walk past anyone we want to impress? Recently-pregnant women tend to focus on toning up their stomachs as soon as they can after childbirth.
The number of celebrity mums who get back into shape mere weeks after giving birth is part of the reason why women strive to do the same, but there is also a health boon by doing so. Strengthening their stomach muscles helps their whole body to recover from the rigors of childbirth.
Specific events also provide a driving reason to exercise and achieve a flatter, more flattering stomach. Maybe you need to get into that wedding dress (or if you are the bridesmaid maybe to look better than the bride!), or get out of your old 1-piece swimsuit into a bikini now that summer is approaching.
Maybe you have a school reunion coming up and want to show that you still have it! Maybe a doctor has suggested you could do with a tune-up, or maybe its all about improving your self confidence. Whatever the reason they are all legitimate.
So although health and good looks are the two main reasons for the emphasis on stomach workouts these cover a multitude of personal reasons. Whatever the reason, as long as you are motivated to continue your program until you see results then the reason is a good one.
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